We offer high-quality, learning-rich, preschool experiences for children birth to 5 in our Center-based classrooms. Children come to the center four days per week. We offer full-day sessions in Early Head Start and Head Start. In limited locations we offer half-day Head Start sessions. Limited transportation is provided when possible for Head Start locations. Our services are available to families at no cost to them.
What does the teaching staff do?
- Share materials and activities for you to try in the classroom.
- Show you how to use things in your home to teach your child.
- Provide home kits for individualized activities to do with your child at home.
- Plan and demonstrate activities for you in the classroom.
- Assist you in finding community resources that are available for such things as nutrition, mental health, family planning, and special education services.
- Keep records on your child’s progress and shares them with you.
- Provide each child with a meal and a nutritious snack each day.
- Visits with you several times during the year for 30 to 45 minutes to talk about you child’s progress and share ideas.
What does the parent volunteer do?
- Volunteer a minimum of once per month.
- Work with their child and others during classroom visits.
- Assist in planning activities for children.
- Participate during meals and snacks.
- Share in the opportunity to attend parent meetings.
Why are parents important to the Center Based program?
- Parent Volunteers in the classroom mean more hands to help, more ears to listen, more voices to talk and read, and more eyes to watch children and keep them safe. More individual attention for children creates more opportunities to learn.
- When parents and staff share ideas for children, the children do better in school.
- When parents share their culture, traditions, and talents, it enriches the curriculum.
- Parents know their child better than anyone else. They can give valuable suggestions to the teachers on what their child should learn and how they learn best.
Check out our Locations section to view all of our locations or to find a center in your area.