Early Head Start knows that each family brings a different perspective of parenting and culture. We recognize this and incorporate that uniqueness to help strengthen the family dynamic through our Expectant Families Services.

Prenatal Reading is beneficial for babies & their family:
- Beginning in the second trimester of pregnancy, your baby can detect sounds from outside your body.
- Ears develop between 18-22 weeks in utero.
- Reading prenatally can be part of early literacy and starting to build a healthy relationship.

After your baby is born, they have an opportunity to transfer to a classroom setting or stay enrolled with your current home visitor. If you choose to remain in home visiting, some changes you will see in your home visits are:

Brain growth is more rapid during this period of life than any other, with neurons being produced at an astonishing rate. Preparing for baby is a special time. We look forward to supporting you and your family during the pregnancy, as well as after the baby arrives.