The Website Review Committee is a group of individuals dedicated to the development and continuous improvement of our website. Our goal is to keep the content of the website up
The Wellness Committee is a group of individuals who are committed to invoking positive change and growth within the members of TCHS. Our goal is to promote wellness through various
This committee was formed to develop a strategic plan for each leadership role within TCHS and what would be needed to replace a leadership role. Each department of TCHS will
Head Start programs must conduct a Self-Assessment of our agency’s effectiveness and progress in meeting program goals and objectives and in implementing Federal Regulations. The Self-Assessment must measure the agency’s
This committee was formed for a place where staff can come together to review all TCHS policies and procedures monthly to ensure TCHS remains compliant with laws/regulations and takes staff’s
This committee was formed to help discover locations where TCHS services are needed, potential center locations, build community relationships and provide a communication loop with staff, families, and the community.
The Health Services Advisory Committee (HSAC) is a committee that supports children’s healthy development. This committee is a requirement of the Head Start Program Performance Standards. The committee is led
The ERSEA Committee, led by Stacey Knuth (RESEA Manager) is a bi-monthly meeting that discusses Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance, and is required by the Head Start Performance Standards.
The Emergency Preparedness Committee was developed to offer input on the Emergency Preparedness Plan (EEP). The EEP is a comprehensive document that provides guidance to Flowers Early Learning staff if
This committee was formed to get the input from staff and community members of where our communities need TCHS services the most. They will review data gathered from community partners
This committee was formed as a place for staff to learn and grow to combat systemic racism in the communities we serve. Membership to this committee is reserved for interested