At the sensory table, children practice hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. They also explore ideas like the volume, quantity, weight, and measurement. We often use different materials in the
Each of our classrooms has a library area. Here children get to experience and appreciate books. They practice literacy and reading skills. We encourage volunteers to read books with groups
Chanda Hillman, CEO/Executive Director, is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a Masters of Public Administration, a Bachelors of Arts in Gender and Women’s Studies with a minor in
Children use tools to explore their world! We offer opportunities for prediction, observation and experimentation. Play here helps to develop knowledge of the world and technology.
When children play with blocks they are practicing brainstorming, engineering, and problem solving skills. We provide a variety of blocks and toys for children to be creative with.
At the writing table students are able to use different writing utensils and materials to develop writing, communication, vocabulary, and fine motor skills. We offer materials outside the typical paper
In the math and manipulatives interest area children use small manipulative toys to practice concepts, comparison, patterning and measurement. Manipulatives provide great experiences for prediction!
In the dramatic play area, children use creativity and imagination to role play using dress-up clothes and props. They build cooperation, problem-solving and language skills through their interaction with peers.